Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts
Simply whatever comes to mind. Probably about St. Helena but not always . . .

Friday 15 May 2020

For the people, BY THE PEOPLE

The consultant Jeremy Sarkin has proposed changes to how democracy works on St Helena.  The Governor says he needs advice on how Saints will feel about these changes, so a body has been set up to advise the Governor.

So far, so good, but how were the members of this body selected?  By public ballot, showing that they are representatives of the people?  No - they were hand picked to serve by the Governor himself.

Does anyone smell a rat?  The Governor will be advised by a bunch of people he himself chose for the role?

Is this a taste of how “democracy” is now to be done on St Helena?

I have nothing personal against the individuals selected but they are not – and cannot be – representatives of the people.  The people can only be represented by people they CHOOSE to represent them.  That is the foundation stone of Democracy.

Fortunately this selected body does not have the final say.  There will have to be a vote of the people before any changes can be made. So I suggest Saints completely ignore what it and the FCO/Governor decide and form an independent view on whether the proposed changes will or will not improve democracy on St Helena, and then vote accordingly.

(Details of the “advisory body” are in yesterday’s (14th May) Sentinel http://www.sams.sh .)

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