I publish an email address on Saint Helena Island Info and people use it to contact me about all sorts of things related to St Helena, most of which I am happy to help them with or to pass on to someone who can.
But I also get a lot of spam. Some is just tedious crap and some is either mildly amusing or laugh-out-load funny (I’ve listed some of the funnier stuff here: http://sainthelenaisland.info/contact.htm#readmore). Under the “tedious crap” I include all offers of SEO Services to “make my site #1 on Google” and people wanting to make me a video “about the business” (me sitting at my desk typing does not seem to me an entirely riveting plot for a video, even if it is mildly amusing watching me type one-handed with the more-than-occasional missed key and the resultant swearing).
But one thing always puzzles me about the junk I receive. So, in case it’s not obvious, I would like just point out to any prospective spammers out there, that sending me exactly the same email 1,000 times from different email addresses will not persuade me to read it, let alone take any action on it.